Exclusive Interview with Daneka Nation

Music's Week: Who are your biggest musical influences?
Daneka Nation: 
I LOVED and STILL DO, the 1980's Hair-Metal bands.
Music's Week: When/How did you become interested in music?
Daneka Nation: 
I've LOVED music, since my younger days.
Music's Week: How does the song “Sacred Ground” set the stage for more songs from you?
Daneka Nation: 
I believe "Sacred Ground" has one of the most unique stories ever told. The lyrics are what makes the song.
Music's Week: What skills/personal attributes are most important to being successful?
Daneka Nation: 
Just being on stage with a wild crowd is a GREAT feeling!
Music's Week: How important do you think video or other visuals are to your music?
Daneka Nation: 
Videos are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. We will be filming one soon.
Music's Week: What do you hope to achieve with your art?
Daneka Nation: 
I want to sing to sold-out arenas, 18,000 +
Music's Week: What advice would you give to new artists entering the industry today?
Daneka Nation: 
Music's Week: What sets your music apart? What is unique, or at least uncommon, about your sound and style?
Daneka Nation: 
When I'm on stage, I just let all go out. All the feelings and emotions of the song I'm singing. Capture the audience.
Music's Week: Has your music career/journey had a deliberate direction, or did it simply evolve organically?
Daneka Nation: 
Music just brings joy in my life.
Music's Week: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
Daneka Nation: 
All my fans can visit and learn all about our band: danekanation.com.


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