Exclusive Interview with Odelet

Music's Week: What motivated you to embark on a career in the arts, and how did you initially discover your passion for creating?

Odelet: I’ve always known that I’m an artist, ever since I can remember. So I think it was just a natural response to my own personal life experience that I would come to understand how to emotionally line up with my desire to pursue the arts… simply from the fact that I realized how off it always felt to attempt any other path. I’m happy that I’ve allowed myself to explore different thought ways, ideas and encounters, even the ones that have challenged my deep desire to fully pursue art, because they lead me to define so much more clearly how to move in the direction of what feels true and best for me.
Music's Week: Can you walk us through your artistic process, from the initial idea to the finished piece? How do you maintain consistency in your work?

Odelet: My process isn’t a fixed approach, rather it’s fluid and flexible and spontaneous, it’s malleable. I understand it as a receptive state of being, a crux for all segments to fit seamlessly together. The initial idea can be incredibly subtle, to the point that I just have a sense of the song that’s coming to me, but no words, not even a set melody yet… When it came to Pisces Pie, in addition to the next in line upcoming album, I composed all of the instrumentation prior to anything else, just with a general sense that I knew the songs were in route. So for me it’s all about not needing to have the whole thing fleshed out before I start writing, it’s always a very improvisational unfolding. It’s like following a thread where one part that feels satisfying leads to another that builds upon that satisfaction and another until a full song is birthed. Other times I’ll hear songs fully formed. I think the quality of work I want to consistently create comes from a feeling place of ease and openness as well as a carefree approach.
Music's Week: Your style appears to be a unique blend of various influences. How have these influences shaped your artistic  identity, and what steps do you take to continue growing and evolving as an artist?

Odelet: I think I did the shaping through living life. Influences to me are more symbolic of inspiration in motion and I just knew I wanted to experience that flow through my own creations. I think life provides all the steps I’ll ever need to continue to grow and evolve as not only an artist, but as a human being.
Music's Week: As an emerging artist, how do you balance your creative vision with the need to appeal to a broader audience or potential patrons?

Odelet: I don’t really feel a need to appeal to anyone but myself. Maybe that’s why it’s so naturally appealing.
Music's Week: Social media has become a crucial tool for promoting artists today. How do you use these platforms to showcase your work and connect with your audience?

Odelet: Lightheartedly. 
Music's Week: Collaborations are increasingly common in the art world. What has been your experience with collaborating with other artists, and how do you believe it has influenced your growth as an artist?

Odelet: I’ve always felt influenced and inspired by everything I’ve been exposed to in my world, so it goes far beyond collaboration with other artists… That for me was simply an organic part of my exploration and experimentation with getting to know the artist that I am and that I want to be… It allowed me to carve out my own very personal preferences and brought me to a working relationship that is beyond what I dreamt was possible. To me, the endless “collaboration” that is my relationship between me and myself is what promotes and strengthens any other collaborative partnerships, and everything flourishes. Soul connected, mutually beneficial collaborations are invaluable.
Music's Week: Managing finances can be challenging for many artists. How do you handle your financial situation while pursuing your artistic career, and what strategies have you implemented to ensure long-term sustainability?

Odelet: I believe that happiness ensures one’s long-term sustainability. I’ve shown myself that I can focus my thoughts into better and better feeling places unconditionally, and that in my ability to do so, I am free. The less attention I give to any conditions that feel limiting when I focus upon them and the more I continue to look forward and believe in the essence of my own desires, the lighter and better and clearer I feel. And the momentum grows from there. My strategy is to feel as good as I can feel everyday, to cultivate my good feeling above all else. I’ve practiced myself into feeling eager and excited about finances, regardless of what currently is. Abundance is a feeling.
Music's Week: How do you handle criticism or negative feedback on your work? Can you share a time when you faced such a situation and how you responded?

Odelet: The less I care about anyone else’s opinion, the better. I create because I love the way it feels. Criticism/feedback is irrelevant to me. I know what I’m doing and I have the most fun doing it, that’s all that matters. That doesn’t mean I don’t love positive response, everyone loves positive responses, but if I let that be what drives me, I’m less stable. And I love my stability.  
Music's Week: Art can be a powerful tool for social change and addressing important issues. How do you incorporate these themes into your work, and what messages do you hope to convey through your art?

Odelet: I love the intentionally abstract format in which I choose to share my perspective. The messages woven into my work are all meant to be interpretive. I like to share broader, more general concepts. I feel like I get to reflect collective consciousness through my strong tether to the dreamworld that we all share. I’m interested in stirring up something that can feel meaningful or inspirational or moving to anyone.
Music's Week: Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring artists just starting their journey in the world of art?

Odelet: I believe that our own lives hold all the answers to our own questions. I’ve discovered that the best advice I’ll ever receive comes from within. 


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