Exclusive Interview with SATEGA

Music's Week: Who are your biggest musical influences?

SATEGA: I am my own biggest influence and pull my inspiration from creating my own music.
Music's Week: When/How did you become interested in music?

SATEGA: Since an early age seeing how artists told their story and then turning that into music is what captivated me.
Music's Week: How does the song “Blame It On Me” set the stage for more songs from you?

SATEGA: It shows the fans a new sound created by me, SATEGA. Excited and grateful to share more of my art with the world.
Music's Week: What skills/personal attributes are most important to being successful?

SATEGA: Being a hustler, working hard, and never stop creating what you believe in.
Music's Week: How important do you think video or other visuals are to your music?

SATEGA: It definitely helps bring another element to the picture.  
Music's Week: What do you hope to achieve with your art?

SATEGA: Create enjoyable art for people to listen too, and connect with on different levels.
Music's Week: What advice would you give to new artists entering the industry today?

SATEGA: Be yourself.
Music's Week: What sets your music apart? What is unique, or at least uncommon, about your sound and style?

SATEGA: I would say what sets me apart is my sound, style, and flow. I don't want to be anyone but myself.
Music's Week: Has your music career/journey had a deliberate direction, or did it simply evolve organically?

SATEGA: Definitely all unfolded organically, including me evolving as an artist.  
Music's Week: Where can potential fans find out more about you?

For those that like my sound and what I am doing. You can follow me on social networks such as Youtube, Instagram, and my website satega.world. Stay tuned for more art coming your way.


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