Exclusive Interview with NIKKA

Music's Week Staff: What has been most challenging aspect of your current release “Showed Up Drunk”?
Learning to navigate the music industry and trying to find the right audience for my music. 

Music's Week Staff: Do you think you inspire other people through your music? How so?

Music's Week Staff: How would you describe your work style?
I randomly come up with Melody ideas first, and then figure out what I want to write about. My writing style is kind of like finding puzzle pieces for a puzzle without a photo of the end result and putting it together over time. 
Music's Week Staff: Describe your experience recording the song "Showed Up Drunk"?
It’s sung in a different style than I normally sing in, and it requires a lot of Gatorade to keep the vocal cords hydrated enough to get through the 2 hour recording process. I was really nervous that I’d never quite get it right after a few failed attempts, so I was adamant about not messing it up.
Music's Week Staff: What is your process in composing your song?
I have ideas for parts of the music and the general style, and then I share that with my producer who puts his own spin on it and composes the music. While we’re composing, it’s a back and forth process between us where I give any feedback I might have and he continuously refines it with my feedback and his own before we’re happy with it. 
Music's Week Staff: What social media platforms work well for increasing the reach of your content?
I haven’t really found any social media has been that helpful yet. I think the algorithms are really hard to crack for new creators nowadays. 
Music's Week Staff: How did your unique sound come about?
Like anyone, my sound developed from the music I loved growing up. The uniqueness comes from the wide range of music I’ve always loved, and since my lyricism is heavily storytelling, my unique life experiences are continuing to help me explore new topics to cover as an artist.
Music's Week Staff: Your song "Showed Up Drunk", did you wis you had done something differently? Or have you changed as a person and would change styles/lyrics now?
Music's Week Staff: What are your music goals for this year, and how are you working towards achieving them?
My big goal was just to release music, which I’ve achieved with the help of my awesome producer and other collaborators. Now my goals are to consistently keep releasing singles and find new ways to connect with potential future fans! What I’m really excited about is the new topics I’m planning on exploring in my new songs since, unlike the EP, my singles don’t have to be tied to any specific theme. 
Music's Week Staff: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
NIKKA: The best way to keep up with me is to follow me on your favorite streaming platform. I keep my bio updated with upcoming releases and link my social media there. I do plan on posting more on TikTok and Instagram now that the heavy promotion and recording for this album are about to wrap up. Also, I am wrapping up finishing touches on my newest single and plan on releasing that in a few weeks! 


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