Exclusive Interview with Heatstroke

Music's Week Staff: How would you describe your work style?
I would describe Heatstroke's work style as relentless. We're always working together in some fashion, whether it be organizing gigs, rehearsing, writing, or just brainstorming new ideas to separate ourselves from other performers!
Music's Week Staff: What is your process in composing your song?
Usually one of us gets the initial melody, and brings it to the rest of the guys and we keep working on it until we get a sound we like. We're always open to making changes after it's laid out too, so evolution in the songwriting is constant.
Music's Week Staff: What was the defining moment when you knew you were meant to create music?
The moment we started rehearsing together in October of 2021.
Music's Week Staff: What story behind the song "Times Square Claire”?
I had my first relationship in 2021, and I was absolutely in love, and she clearly wasn't. She left without warning, and I was just a sad teenager who wrote a song about her called Come Back Soon. I told her that I'd written the song shortly after and once again I was left with no response. Months later I adapted the song enough to fit the Empire Statement story line, and Times Square Claire was born.
Music's Week Staff: How did you describe your process of creating "Times Square Claire" compared to your other song?
I wouldn't say it was any different.

Music's Week Staff: How would you describe your new video to any potential new fan?
Satirical in a way, as we incorporated an unruly angry audience, but overall, it perfectly encapsulates us as a live band. 
Music's Week Staff: With every project comes a challenge, Can you tell us a time were you faces obstacles when creating this music video? How did you handle it?
It was difficult to hear the overlayed studio track at times when I was smashing the drums but we did enough takes to make it work!
Music's Week Staff: Do you take the context of the song in consideration when creating the video? Why/Why not?
We did the video in a very classic rock video style where we simply play it to a crowd. Nothing too crazy happened with actors or anything like that. It's Heatstroke in it's purest form.
Music's Week Staff: What do you consider to be the most important ideas and concepts to impart to aspiring musicians?
We're still aspiring musicians, ourselves, so we probably aren't the best people to ask but maintaining positivity at all times has worked out well for us, and I think we could all benefit from the usage of that mindset.

Music's Week Staff: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
Our website! All things Heatstroke available there... Heatstroke


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