Andre 3000 "Pause" Joke Leads Fans To Reconsider Past Comments About Being Too Mature To Rap


Last year, Andre 3000 returned with his debut solo album. The project was a drastic stylistic shift away from anything the Outkast rapper had ever done before. It's called New Blue Sun and features a series of long ambient jazz compositions with absolutely no rapping to be found. Andre prominently plays the flute across much of the album. In the wake of the album's release Andre was asked innumerous interviews about his current relationship with rap music.

In various interviews Andre 3000 discussed how he arrived at making an ambient jazz project. He discussed his desire to make rap music but the feeling that it wasn't right for him at the moment. In one particular comment he implied that he was too old and in a sense too mature to be making rap music right now. That comment didn't necessarily sit right with older rap fans though it wasn't exactly a lightning rod for controversy. But a new clip of Andre has rans re-evaluating those comments. Check out the clip in question below.

Is Andre 3000 Really Too Mature For Rap?

In the video, Andre 3000 is discussing playing the flute during an appearance on Stephen Colbert's late night talk show. While discussing the practical approach he takes to playing the instrument he utters the phrase "I have two holes." He follows that up with a "pause" joke, which the audience and even Colbert himself seem to like quite a bit.

But a tweet that shared the clip gave different context to the video. "If Andre can pause, he can drop a rap album— let’s go bro, you ain’t THAT mature" the caption of the post read. It got fans discussing Andre's comments about rap music all over again and debating both his thoughts and actions. What do you think of Andre 3000's pause joke? Do you think it changes the context of his earlier comments about being too old for rap music? Let us know in the comment section below.


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