Exclusive Interview with Richard Peshkin


Music's Week: Who are your biggest musical influences?
Richard Peshkin: 
Burt Bacharach, Jimmy Webb, The Rascals, Carole King.

Music's Week: When/How did you become interested in music?
Richard Peshkin: 
Became interested in music when I was about 8/ Elvis,rock n roll era-wrote my first copywrited song “ Nadine” - age 10.
Music's Week: How does this song "The World Needs Music" differ with your previous song?
Richard Peshkin: The World Needs Music is a pop song and an anthem- it’s a song of hope and healing. It will hopefully help bring people together.
Music's Week: What skills/personal attributes are most important to being successful?
Richard Peshkin: You need perseverance, self-belief, the ability to adapt, the openness to listen to many voices and luck (which unfortunately is not a skill).
Music's Week: How important do you think video is to your music?
Richard Peshkin: Videos are extremely important to my music. They are almost “short movies” - they put the messages all together .
Music's Week: What did you hope to achieve with your music video?
Richard Peshkin: 
With The World Needs Music video I want the audience experience the frustrations that everyday life provides a young singer watching TV and seeing the streets on fire and the world exploding - she deals with her anger and frustration musically and she ends up a star - the audience is in unity with her theme that music is AN ANSWER to divisiveness and disharmony. The SHUT UP video is very funny and enhances the humor in the lyrics.
Music's Week: How would you describe your new video to any potential new fan?
Richard Peshkin: 
It is a video of hope and healing - a visual depiction of a world on fire and a musical way of dealing with it all- the music is filled with hooks and harmonies
Music's Week: What set your music apart? What is unique, or at least uncommon?
Richard Peshkin: 
I strive to attract multiple audiences. I write my share of love ballads - but also hard rock, humor and attack new topics like AI and pickle ball (album 2)
Music's Week: Has your music career journey had a deliberately direction or did it simply gradually evolve in whatever direction it found?
Richard Peshkin: 
My musical career is a fantasy realized. It took many years to find the team that would make it a success but I never quit on the dream
Music's Week: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
Richard Peshkin: There are many articles in current music magazines and podcasts - all available by Google searches. I can be heard on Spotify, Apple etc. My videos are readily available on YouTube. I am on the beginning stages of developing followings on Instagram and TikTok.


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