Exclusive Interview with Sarah Gibson

Music's Week Staff: How would you describe your work style?
Sarah Gibson: 
Laser focused. When I want something done, I put all my love and attention into it. I almost melt into the task and complete it using my whole heart.
Music's Week Staff: What is your process in composing your song?
Sarah Gibson: 
I try and channel what I need to talk about and the story I want to share. It starts with a feeling then a chord progression then freestyle lyrics. I speak my mind then fine tune it. The first sentence I improv is usually what the song will be about because it is more authentic that way. I try and make a simple outline for the song then fill in the missing pieces. 
Music's Week Staff: What was the defining moment when you knew you were meant to create music?
Sarah Gibson: 
The defining moment was when I learned the piano in two weeks because I wanted to accompany myself for the high school talent show. I was going to sing “House of the Rising Sun” but wanted piano in the instrumentation. One problem was that I didn’t know how to play! So I taught myself two weeks prior how to play and sing at the same time and I won the talent show. Preforming for the first time felt natural and I have loved recreating that feeling ever since.
Music's Week Staff: What story behind the song "Long Way Down”?
Sarah Gibson: 
Long way down is about the gruesome journey it took to escape the clutches of someone who was trying to bring me down to their level - which was extremely low. Long Way Down means it’s a long way down from where they’re coming from, especially when I am so above it.
Music's Week Staff: How did you describe your process of creating "Long Way Down" compared to your other song?
Sarah Gibson: 
The process of creating Long Way Down was more effortless than all the other songs I’ve written. It’s almost like it wrote itself. I wrote it within less than an hour and recorded scratch vocals that night that were almost good enough to use on the official track! But I re-recorded the vocals at a studio in Nashville. I can’t wait till I write another song as easily as I did for Long Way Down.

Music's Week Staff: How would you describe your new video to any potential new fan.
Sarah Gibson: 
I would say that it’s definitely up to the viewer to interpret the storyline. I shot the video with my boyfriend who is amazing in so many different ways and he played the villain that “Long Way Down” was originally written about. I think it’s a beautiful thing to be so far away from any sort of pain and be able to artistically portray it and not feel any sort of negative emotion. I am proud of my release and who I am today. It takes the right person to heal you and make you stronger. It was actually fun to act in the music video with him. 
Music's Week Staff: With every project comes a challenge, Can you tell us a time were you faces obstacles when creating this music video? How did you handle it?
Sarah Gibson: 
I was so nervous to release a song an and music video because I never felt anything was good enough. Long Way Down is the first song I felt was ready. 
Music's Week Staff: Do you take the context of the song in consideration when creating the video? Why/Why not?
Sarah Gibson: 
When I write the next song, I am going to think of the music video and the song at the same time. I want the next music video to be something special. 
Music's Week Staff: What do you consider to be the most important ideas and concepts to impart to aspiring musicians?
Sarah Gibson: 
Be true to yourself. As cliche as that sounds, it’s not always easy to do. With so many different outside factors, it’s hard to be authentic because you lose a lot of people that way. But I promise, quality of quantity is the goal. The main thing that matters is if you feel connected to your music and you feel good about it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Don’t be fooled by the race to fame. 
Music's Week Staff: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
Sarah Gibson: 
On my website Saranade.com, I will be launching my official beauty brand on March 19th. It is called “Bloom” by Saranade! I plan on creating a jewelry line, fragrances and I am currently working on designing dresses for Saranade.  One thing that people don’t know about me is that my first passion was actually designing clothing. I made my fifth grade graduation dress by hand with a turquoise shawl and everything! I have big plans because I am not just passionate about one thing. I am thankful for every day and want to make the best of it!


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