Exclusive Interview with PRZNT

What was the defining moment when you knew you were meant to create music?
When I quit school and it became an obsession of mine to record and keep getting better and better by the day.
What are the essential qualities that make a good artist?
Having a good purpose, loving the art of music and respecting your vision
What have been the greatest challenges of your career so far?
Having to be consistently innovative and creating outside of the box in a saturated industry.
Describe your experience recording the song "Like Pablo"?
I found the guitar sample and instantly fell in love with it, brought my friend in to help me produce the record and find the melodies for the hook.
How did you describe your process of creating "Like Pablo" compared to your other song?
It was the opposite of the normal process for me, as I do the opposite on most all my recordings.
What was the creative approach for this new video?
It was something visually different even alien like every time u blink its a new cutt out scene and mood.
Do you take the context of the song in consideration when creating the video? Why/Why not?
Sometimes but this time it was all about the energy of the video and song matching.
Does your music fit in to your local scene? If so, how do you take advantage of that? If not, do you see that as an obstacle and what do you do about it?
No everyone around my city likes to do gangster rap and street music I like to say I have more of a melodic ground breaking sound.
If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom t the next musical generation, what would it be?
Believe in yourself when no one does, and don't lose yourself when everyone loves you.
Where can potential fans find out more about you?
On my socials, ig: prezzyplease spotify: prznt


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