Exclusive Interview with Sienna-Rose Jerak

Music's Week: What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and how did you initially discover your passion for creating music?

Sienna-Rose Jerak: 
I was inspired by performing roles in theatre from a young age and opportunity to bring the characters  and songs alive.  I discovered a passion for creating music when I  started playing piano, the ability to write and create original music was exciting.

Music's Week: Can you describe your artistic process, from conceptualization to completion? How do you maintain consistency in your work?

Sienna-Rose Jerak: 
I usually start with an idea, or a topic I want to address and then write lyrics and next step collaborate with other artists to complete the process.  At the moment I am still discovering and learning.

Music's Week: Your style seems to be a unique blend of various influences. How have these influences shaped your artistic identity and how do you continue to grow and evolve as an artist?

Sienna-Rose Jerak: 
My influences have shaped my identity as I strive for a professional high standard in all my work.. I  hope to grow and evolve as an artist as I am open to working on various genres of music and listening to all kinds of music ,including world music, classical opera  country hip hop rap rock etc and finding the emotion and creativity in all of them.

Music's Week: As an up-and-coming artist, how do you balance your creative vision with the need to appeal to a wider audience or potential patrons?

Sienna-Rose Jerak: 
I think I  can only  be myself and authentic, however  I am open to suggestion that may help increase a wider  audience.
Music's Week: Social media plays a significant role in promoting artists today. How do you use these platforms to showcase your work and connect with your audience?
Sienna-Rose Jerak: I am working on this now and trying as a new artist to connect with my  audience. This is all still new to me.

Music's Week: Collaborations are becoming increasingly common in the music world. What has been your experience with collaborating with other artists and how do you believe it has impacted your growth as an artist?
Sienna-Rose Jerak: This is all just starting for me now so it is very exciting, I cant wait to see where it takes me.

Music's Week: Financial stability can be a challenge for many artists. How do you manage your finances while pursuing your artistic career and what strategies have you implemented to ensure long-term sustainability?
Sienna-Rose Jerak: I  am trying to figure this all out now, especially  the costs to travel internationally . I am hoping to get advice on how to navigate this.

Music's Week: How do you handle criticism or negative feedback on your work? Can you share a time when you faced such a situation and how you responded?

Sienna-Rose Jerak: I am open to all constructive criticism  feedback, I understand you're not going to be everybody's cup of tea. When I  announced I was going to release my first single I  had some on going extreme criticism and nastiness projected towards me at my school. So Much so I and wanted to delay my  song release, date but I found the courage to follow my dream and  I am stronger now because of it.  
Music's Week: Music can be a powerful tool for social change and addressing important issues. How do you incorporate these themes into your work and what messages do you hope to convey through your music?

Sienna-Rose Jerak: 
I hope to address the difficulties my generation encounter, there is a lot of sadness with youth today because of the constant on line pressures. and always having to be visible.  This is addressed in my song, To Fly

Music's Week: Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring artists who are just starting their journey in the world of music?
Sienna-Rose Jerak: My advice is, keep working hard continue to get coaching, keep learning but mostly have courage.


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