
Charlamagne Tha God has shaken up the Hip Hop media and podcasting world by revealing just how much power Gillie Da Kid and Wallo267 hold in the culture.

During a recent episode of the Gillie and Wallo’s Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast, Charlamagne and DJ Envy discussed Complex‘s Hip Hop Media Ranking, where the duo ranks fourth.

Despite the ranking, Charlamagne, who was ranked No.3, noted that it doesn’t represent their real value, and they have even turned down lucrative deals. “Gillie and Wallo are the highest paid Black podcasters in the game,” he said as Gillie comically whistled Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry.”

Moreover, Wallo added that the duo “owns everything” they create. Also, Gillie confirmed The Breakfast Club host’s claim and said they were getting offers like similar to that of  “NBA contracts.”

“You seen what we walked away from,” Gillie said to Charlamagne.

However despite Gillie’s prodding, Charlagmange refused to reveal the podcasters’ financial situation, but he did noted that the podcasting duo is doing “very well.”


In other Charlamagne Tha God-related news, the media mogul is reportedly looking to have a lawsuit stemming from his 2001 sexual assault case thrown out on the grounds there is a lack of evidence.

According to a report from Radar Online last week, the radio personality filed new documents stating that the DNA rape kit from the alleged 2001 incident didn’t match his DNA, thus proving his maintained innocence.

“[Alleged victim Jessica Reid] has persisted in broadly disseminating her unsubstantiated claims, ignoring that the South Carolina Solicitor in 2018 declined her request to re-open the case due to a lack of evidence while confirming that no basis existed to bring sexual assault charges against Charlamagne,” the filing reads. “Witnesses had attested to the fact that Charlamagne had already left the party when the alleged assault occurred.”

His attorney Michael Weinsten also released a statement. “We are confident that Ms. Reid’s meritless civil lawsuit in which she represents herself will be promptly dismissed,” he said. “This is the same sexual assault claim that was fully investigated and dismissed by authorities in South Carolina more than 21 years ago.

“At that time, my client voluntarily submitted his DNA, and it was confirmed his DNA was not found in her rape kit. It is also the same matter that Ms. Reid tried to re-open in 2018 that the South Carolina Solicitor General declined to re-open, suggesting among other things it was ‘not ethical’ to do so.”


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