Exclusive Interview with Influence

Music's Week: What inspired you to write "What You Deserve" and what's the story behind it?

Influence: When I listened to the beat for “What You Deserve” the very first time the hook from Info Black was already on there and i knew right away that the track had the potential to be a big hit. I just had to carry the narrative and finish bringing the song to life.
Music's Week: Can you tell us a bit about your songwriting process? Do you have any rituals or habits that help you get creative?

Influence: My songwriting process is simple. Once i hear a beat/instrumental that aligns with my third eye the words start naturally flowing through my head. At times it’s hard to keep up and write down every thought. After the first two bars when i’m writing i never know where what i’m writing is going to fit into the song. Sometimes i just write a bunch of stuff and then place the song together like a puzzle. For me, in the beginning it’s all about getting that emotion and/or everything that comes to mind out on paper so that i can organize my thoughts and shape the sound and my melodies afterwards. It’s important for me to be able to isolate myself and focus without disturbance or any outside distractions. My creative ritual involves putting on headphones that help me cancel all the noise around me so that i can tune in and mentally take myself to a place where i can become one with the music.
Music's Week: How do you think this song "What You Deserve" differs from your previous work? Has your style evolved or changed over time?

Influence: My song, “What You Deserve” is definitely different from all of my previous work. I would absolutely say that my style and flow have evolved over time. This is the first time that i’ve done anything with that dancehall type of vibe with a reggae undertone. I love it.
Music's Week: What do you hope listeners take away from your music? Is there a particular message or feeling you're trying to convey?

Influence: The one thing i really hope listeners get when they listen to my music is a moment of euphoria. Plus with my selection of beats and being able to expertly crossover from rapping to singing, it’s easy for me to showcase my versatility and a level of lyricism that i’m sure can resonate with and gain the appeal of any fan of Hip Hop/Rap music.
Music's Week: You've been making music for years now. What keeps you motivated and inspired to continue creating new music?

Influence: I’ve been making music off and on for about 20 years now. My passion for music and my love for the art are what continue to inspire me to make music. Music is the pulse of life, it’s in my DNA. I was born to be great. I’ve had this dream in my heart since a very young age. Once i realized that i was equipped with the talent as well as the passion and dedication to make that dream come true, i knew this is what i was meant to do.
Can you walk us through the production process for this single? Who was involved, and what was the vision for the final product?

Influence: It’s beautifully led by the classic “All That She Wants” sample by Ace Of Base. “What You Deserve” was Produced by Majestic Drama. The hook is sung by an artist named Info Black. I recorded the song at the legendary Paramount Recording Studios in LA. The song was engineered/mixed/mastered by Christopher Ulrich. The vision for “What You Deserve”, from the beginning and throughout this whole process has always been to turn this song into the hit record that i know will put me on the map and catapult my career into success and international stardom. I knew this song would change my life. That was my vision. Plus, “All That She Wants” peaked at number 1 on the US Billboard Top 40 Mainstream chart, number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, and reached number 1 in 13 other countries so i already have a winning outline/blueprint. 
How do you balance your creative vision with the commercial demands of releasing a new single? Do you have any advice for emerging artists on this front?

Influence: It’s easy to balance my creative vision with the demands of releasing a new single because i don’t put any pressure on myself. I don’t have anyone giving me deadlines. I work at my own pace and i believe in quality over quantity. I make every song count. I’ve already been making music this long, it’s clear that i do it because i love it. Trust the process, don’t rush the process. Plus i’m very selective when it comes to choosing beats. Honestly, sometimes i feel like they choose me. I usually get goosebumps while i’m listening or while i’m writing to it. That’s my sign and my confirmation. 
Music's Week: What's next for your music career? Are there any upcoming projects or tours that fans can look forward to?

Influence: I’m just gonna keep networking and making great music. I have a few big things in the works coming up very soon. One of my songs, “Step” will be in a horror feature film called ‘College Of The Dead’ that’s set to be released this summer. I’m competing in Mic Check Wynwood Season 2, which will be aired on Pay Per View via BreadGangTV. I’m also competing in America’s Next Top Hitmaker, The American Songwriter Song Contest and i’m up for The Next Big Star Award at The 2024 Caribbean Music Awards as well as the opportunity to become a red carpet correspondent and official award presenter.
Music's Week: Can you tell us about your favorite track from your album or one that holds a special meaning to you?

Influence: My favorite track so far is, “What You Deserve” because of the magic that it holds. My most meaningful song is, “Angels Cry” because of the message and the cause. It gives hope and inspiration. 
Music's Week: What's the most important thing you want fans to know about your new single, or your music in general?

The most important thing that i want fans to take away from my music is a connection to it. Not everyone is gonna like every song so it’s not about trying to cater to everybody’s musical taste or preference. I create from the heart and what comes to my imagination. Sometimes the art comes from a place of reflection or emotion and i feel the need to express my feelings. Sometimes it’s based off experiences, things i’ve been through and the life lessons i’ve learned from. Then also sometimes it’s just pure creativity and exercise of the mind.


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