Exclusive Interview with SOTLY Shawn

Music's Week: How would you describe your work style?
SOTLY Shawn: 
My work style can vary depending on what sparks my interests first. So that sometimes might be lyrics first then melody then beat or vice versa. My biggest thing is I avoid forcing one direction. Many great artist/producers always give similar advice where, you want to make sure you don't get in the way of the music. So I incorporate that into my work style. I make sure to follow what idea comes  Sure, I'll start with a rough concept 95% of the time. But from there, I'll make a melody, a lyric, etc. and try to build off that.
Music's Week: What is your process in composing your song?
SOTLY Shawn: 
For 'Standin', I made the beat first and originally did not like it. It wasn't until my girlfriend heard it and was like 'you should do something with this' when I was like ok, let me see if I could write to it. She inspired me to at least see if there was something there. As I started, coming up with lyrics and the outro portion, that's when I fell in love with the song.
Music's Week: What was the defining moment when you knew you were meant to create music?
SOTLY Shawn: 
The first time I heard my voice played back to me for sure. Normally, I'd be discouraged and many people around me were critiquing my voice, style, etc. That made me want to get better and it just fueled my love more for music. It made me realize you have to be ok with not being good at first.
Music's Week: What story behind the song "Standin”?
SOTLY Shawn: 
So Standin wasn't originally going to be on the project. In fact I wrote it and recorded it right as we were finishing up the project. I had another song in mind. But thanks to my girlfriend, I was able to even see potential in the beat to write to it. 'Standin' to me personally closes out the EP with a reignited passion. It's basically 'through everything, I'm still here, still Standin' Going through a period of turmoil at that time, that's the song I felt perfectly captured the essence of the project.
Music's Week: How did you describe your process of creating "Standin" compared to your other song?
SOTLY Shawn: 
Standin was the song that came the quickest and easiest. I just wrote how I felt. I didn't worry about what I was saying so much as I was just going off of feeling. Compared to the other songs, I wrote multiple versions of 'No Doubt' or 'Tonight' because those experiences incorporate people I care deeply about. But Standin was simply how are you feeling in this moment and that's where I open up with the line 'Rent due, need food, what's new'.
Music's Week: How would you describe your new video to any potential new fan.
SOTLY Shawn: 
So I will say while we don't have an official video out yet, We are playing with some ideas in regards to how we could add a proper visual component. We want to make sure We provide context to the song and further bring it to life. Something that is equally visually appealing and stays true to the core song.
Music's Week: What do you consider to be the most important ideas and concepts to impart to aspiring musicians?
SOTLY Shawn: 
First off, its ok to suck. When you first start off you won't be where you wanna be. But if you love it enough, you stick by it and you'll get better. To that point, always keep a open mind and never stop learning. Listen to other genres outside of what you make. Experiment with other genres. Learn how one genres markets as opposed to another. Just keep learning and Experimenting.
Music's Week: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
SOTLY Shawn: 
Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, everything as Sotlyshawn. DMs are open, feel free to shoot me a message about anything!



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