Exclusive Interview with Apollo Liberace

Music's Week: Who are your biggest musical influences?
Apollo Liberace: I would say Michael Jackson, james brown , Prince , Kanye west , lil Wayne, james Blake , Sade etc.
Music's Week: When/How did you become interested in music?
Apollo Liberace: I was interested in music my whole life but around the age of 10 I recorded my first song and knew from then this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Music's Week: How does this song "If I Had The Answer, Would You Listed?" differ with your previous song?
Apollo Liberace: it’s a lot more melodic and it’s more of a song I like … instead of worrying about making songs others want to hear… I wanted to make something I like and release that and that’s what I will continue till do from now on.

Music's Week: What skills/personal attributes are most important to being successful?
Apollo Liberace: hard work, persistence, belief in your self mixed with a bit of delusion.  
Music's Week: How important do you think video is to your music?
Apollo Liberace: for this song specifically I think it’s more important than anything … I think this song needed the video to show all the emotions conveyed in the song.
Music's Week: What did you hope to achieve with your music video?
Apollo Liberace: I just wanted ti show every element of a relationship… everything you go through when you love someone l.
Music's Week: How would you describe your new video to any potential new fan?
Apollo Liberace: honestly I think it speaks for itself .. I would want them to see it with no preconceived thoughts and I would want to hear what they thought about it.
Music's Week: What set your music apart? What is unique, or at least uncommon?
Apollo Liberace: just being me.  I think we’re all unique individuals and if you stay true to yourself that will always set you apart.
Music's Week: Has your music career journey had a deliberately direction or did it simply gradually evolve in whatever direction it found?
Apollo Liberace: I just gradually evolved with the idea of always getting better and better but at the same time this year I do think I found a direction that really fits me and I’m going to stay the course.
Music's Week: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
Apollo Liberace: Apollo Liberace everywhere and instagram @MinusGravity 


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