Lekanskii discusses upcoming hip-hop EP Break the Chain, with a theme of overcoming obstacles to achieve success


Nigerian born hip-hop artist Lekanskii has a vast array of inspirations when it comes to making tracks, as he spent his youth in Africa before ending up in Colorado. Now he is putting together an EP called Break the Chain featuring the single “Sunshine,” with both set to be out in the coming months.

Break the Chain will have eight tracks and it is expected to be fully released by the summer. “Sunshine” is a track that is all about being grateful for life. It focuses on knowing there is sunshine even though there are dark days when times are tough. The song will be dropping this spring before the release of the EP.

“It is about thanking God for seeing the sunshine for good things happening in my life,” he said.

He is also working on a new song called “Newsome,” which will be on the upcoming EP, as well. The song’s focus is on getting new things and living fresh. This is a project that he is still perfecting, and it should come out just in time for the summer, as well.

Lekanskii was born in Nigeria and lived there until he was 12, before traveling to the suburbs of Chicago where he spent his adolescence. He now hails from Colorado, and his experiences through his journeys around the world contribute heavily to his music.

“Coming from Nigeria, it’s a very different environment,” he said. “There were different everyday struggles of life, from having bad roads, bad water, corrupt politicians and stuff like that. They all kind of impact what kind of music I make.”

Lekanskii was no stranger to the U.S. before moving, as he would come over here on vacation as a child. Through living here he has found that while it is a vastly different environment, there are struggles and strife no matter where you go.

“We still have poverty stricken areas and everyday struggles of man,” he said.

The EP will lead with a track of the same name, “Break the Chain,” which has been out for more than two years and has gained popularity among his listeners. This tune is about breaking through every obstacle one may encounter.

“When it comes to life we’re always going to face obstacles, and you’ve just got to keep going,” he said.

Lekanskii said this is where “breaking the chain” comes into play. In order to obtain the American dream, he said that there are always going to be barriers to overcome.

“It’s not easy, especially coming from a foreign land,” Lekanskii said. “Even coming from America it’s not easy. All that consists of breaking the chain, getting yourself better and getting yourself ready.”

When it comes to making music, Lekanskii said he is most proud of his work ethic. He started everything with his own money, and knows how to get it done in the studio. He’s in there four times a week, and said he can put together three or four songs in a studio session. Lekanskii’s music is primarily hip-hop based, but his roots are clear as he also involves the Afrobeats scene into his work. He is a signed musician with Cold Summer Record Label- something he is especially proud of.

“Getting signed to a record label was a sign of progress,” Lekanskii said.

Lekanskii is a relatable, humble, hardworking artist who goes through everyday struggles like anyone else. Fans can expect plenty of great music from him for years to come, as he is striving to have lasting power as a musician.

“My goal for the long run is getting my music out there and having people relate to me more,” he said. “I want longevity in the entertainment industry. I don’t want to just make music for a year or two. I want to make music where people still listen to me four or five years ago, and they say ‘I get what he’s saying. I feel this.’”

Lekanskii hasn’t dropped a new song in about a year, and after spending time polishing things up, he is excited to new material out for everyone to listen to.

Be sure to check out his music and keep up with what is on the horizon through his website at lekanskii.com and other platforms.




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