Exclusive Interview with FP Relly


Music's Week: What inspired you to start making music, and what drove you to pursue it as a career?

FP Relly: My brother kamm really inspired me to start making music everybody knew he was hard at it so with him telling me to start doing something he was good at, was major to me. Once my pops jumped behind me as a manager and started to show me full support I started to pursue it as a career because I know how serious the music game is to him. 

Music's Week: Can you tell us about your songwriting process? How do you come up with ideas, and what inspires your lyrics?

When I'm writing I just let the beat take me somewhere and where ever it takes me I let my creative thoughts do the rest. How do you come up with ideas, When I come up with ideas it's from real life experiences or from something I've seen before other than that I just be rhyming and writing what comes to my head. and what inspires your lyrics? When I'm listening to other artists it makes me see their success and realize we are very similar so I think to my self if they can do it I can too. 

Music's Week: What do you think sets your music apart from others in your genre?

FP Relly: My music is my voice and your voice is everything i don't think nobody sounds like me or have my sound so that's what sets my music apart first because it's only one FP Relly I also talk about money and everyone not living how I live so if you not making a lot of money or living like me you most likely wouldn't be rapping about it like me. 

Music's Week: Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they impacted your sound?

FP Relly: My favorite artist is Lil Durk I used to listen to him before I listened to any other music on my own my pops gave me his cd along time ago because I had a radio but nothing to play in it. All I used to listen to was Lil Durk. 

Music's Week: What's the story behind your latest release/album/single? What inspired you to create it?

FP Relly: The story behind my latest release is me making it out of my home city St. Louis MO which most people don't get to do. It wasn't easy for me to make it out at all I been through a lot of situations only god could get you out of but I'm still here. That's what inspired me to create my last tape called perseverance because no matter what I continue to get over all of my obstacles that come my way. 

Music's Week: How do you approach your live performances? Do you have any rituals or pre-show routines that help you get ready?

FP Relly: I try and make sure I'm on every word and I also try to make sure I use hand movement and be animated while rapping to express what I'm saying. Do you have any rituals or pre-show routines that help you get ready? No I don't have any rituals or pre show routines I just get on my level and go. 

Music's Week: What do you hope fans take away from your music? Is there a message or theme that you're trying to convey?

FP Relly: I hope that fans take from my music the same way I took from Lil Durk's music meaning take the game I'm giving in my music and live by it no matter if you fully understand what I'm saying or not. Is there a message or theme that you're trying to convey? My main message is to tell the youth to get some money. 

Music's Week: How do you balance your creative pursuits with other aspects of your life, such as personal relationships or business responsibilities?

FP Relly: I don't have a specific way of telling you how i balance it but just know I balance it, everything has a time and place for sometimes one might get more attention from me den the other but once i realize i jump back to it and make up for the time i missed. 

Music's Week: Can you tell us about some of your favorite songs or albums that you've worked on? What made them special to you?

FP Relly: Honestly I don't have any favorite songs all of my songs are equal to me because when people listen to my music it's a lot of different opinions and songs liked not just one but me I love all my songs I only have 3 tapes out so far I want people to listen to them all and be ready for the new music ! What made them special to you? I feel every song is special because every song has its own meaning and when I listen to my music it takes me somewhere and I can remember where I was when I made it. 

Music's Week: What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as a musician, and how have you overcome them?

FP Relly: Some of the biggest challenges I've faced ? Mhmmm I would say still moving forward after feeling like it's all for nothing and losing a of of important tools or pieces such as people, music, and other things I've worked hard on to get or w.e may be the situation but basically I'm saying the challenge is still pushing knowing that you feel like giving up. I overcome them by just believing in god, praying, having a good spirit and keeping my energy and hopes high and knowing I will get through what ever it is I'm going through at the time. I also smoke weed and get high to get through those times. 

Music's Week: How do you stay inspired and motivated to continue creating music? Do you have any specific habits or routines that help keep your creative juices flowing?

FP Relly: I have never been the type to give up I won't give up until I feel I have achieved what I put myself out there to do. But me steady constantly seeing progress in different ways from were I've started is what motivates me to keep going. And also when people tells me what they see or how much progress they have seen. Do you have any specific habits or routines that help keep your creative juices flowing? No I don't I just make sure I am high I wouldn't say it's a habbit Is a must that I am high it's when I'm at my best so I can get into my thoughts and get creative. 

Music's Week: What's next for you in terms of new music or projects? Can you give us a sneak peek into what's coming up?

FP Relly: I have a new tape I'm working on already but in the meantime of me creating that I will be dropping videos back 2 back for my last tape "perseverance vol 1" so you all could get a visual for what you are listening to but just know ladies be on a look out for my new music I know this will be where I get you all in tune.


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