Florida artist elijah t. temple raps against bullies with new single ‘I’m Like That’


elijah t. temple, a young songwriter, rapper, producer and singer from Central Florida, is taking on bullies and sending out a message of self-worth and unity with his new single “I’m Like That,” set for release on all platforms on Jan. 20.

It’s the first single of to be released from his new album called “The Brink of Insanity,” a 10-track LP slated for release on Feb. 3.

temple said ‘The Brink of Insanity” is a sequel to his first solo album called “A Drop of Insanity,” a nine-track album out on all platforms now.

“It’s basically just the continuation of that story and just diving deeper into who I am, the true emotions behind that,” temple said. “It’s about struggling with feelings of depression and anger but trying to push down those feelings with ego and over confidence.”

And the single, “I’m Like That,” featuring hard drums and temple’s big, dark sound, is an anti-bullying anthem meant to support young people who face that kind of challenge in every day life.

“I wanted it to be a message to people my age and younger than me about just being there for one another, holding each other close and standing up for each other and standing up for yourself, knowing your own worth,” temple said. “I also wanted it to tie back into my own personal life. It’s hard to be open about stuff like that and what goes on and how one would truly feel about it, but at the end of the day you've got to know your own worth and stick up for yourself and stick up for other people. You need to come together as a whole to help one another and unite.”

A senior in high school, elijah t. temple said his new album, “A Brink of Insanity,” will come out on his 18th birthday.

Even at a young age, temple has released a number of albums and has hit the stage and screen with a role on the critically-acclaimed drama “David Makes Man,” on the OWN network.

temple said he started making music in 2021 with his friend and frequent collaborator, Tommie Wofford, who worked to get temple into making music even though temple didn’t think he had it in him.

temple got his inspiration from a Tyler, the Creator album called “Call Me if You Get Lost.”

“I was listening to one of the songs and thought I think I can do that,” temple said. “So I kind of just tried it and kept working at it and figured out, hey I can do this, so I've been doing it ever since.”

temple said many of his songs have a darker sound.

“My favorite songs from the Disney movies growing up were the songs for the villains,” temple said. “I always thought they had the coolest songs. A lot of my music I try to keep a darker theme. I’ve always loved that sound with just the sharp notes, the deep strings and stuff.”

temple said “The Brink of Insanity,” shows how he's grown as a musician and a producer.

“It’s a completely different sound from my first album, because with that first album I wasn’t producing yet,” he said. “So this album, I produced eight out of 10 tracks, so it’s a lot more original and a lot more me. The best way to listen to it would just be to listen straight through, no shuffle or anything. That’s best to full on understand the story I’m wanting to tell. I’M LIKE THAT!”

Be sure to keep up with temple on all streaming and social media platforms:

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