Exclusive Interview with Jimii No.1

MusicWeek Staff: What has been most challenging aspect of your current release “Always Good”?
Jimii No.1: 
The most challenging aspect of Always good has been choosing it as the song to release, opposed to some of the other tunes on the album.
MusicWeek Staff: Do you think you inspire other people through your music? How so?
I would like to believe that my work could inspire others to follow their dreams and do the thing they’ve always wanted to do.   No matter how old they are, or the challenges you’ve encountered along the way……
MusicWeek Staff: How would you describe your work style?
Jimii No.1: 
My work style I consider to be easy going.  Based largely upon inspiration.  When I feel lead I go.  When you get green lights you move forward.  If things seem to be too challenging maybe it’s not meant to be.  I try to go with the flow.  
MusicWeek Staff: Describe your experience recording the song "Always Good"?
Jimii No.1: 
It was exciting to see what I was putting together was interesting and had good beat.  The more I listen to the rhythm the more motivated I feel and the best part is seeing the truth of the lyrics.  
MusicWeek Staff: What is your process in composing your song?
Jimii No.1: 
My process starts with a thought about something, an moves into a feeling.  Then I want to express the feeling through the lyrics.   Nest would be adding in a melody I think suits it.  The rhythm often has come last.  
MusicWeek Staff: What social media platforms work well for increasing the reach of your content?
Jimii No.1: 
To my knowledge at this point I’d say I’ve seen the most dramatic results from Youtube.  
MusicWeek Staff: How did your unique sound come about?
Jimii No.1: 
My sound comes mostly from my feelings.  I realized I had a sound after I started putting the songs together as a collection.  
MusicWeek Staff: Your song "Always Good", did you wis you had done something differently? Or have you changed as a person and would change styles/lyrics now?
Jimii No.1: 
I might have chosen a different name to the song had I known how many other songs there were out there named Always Good!  Thats the only reason I would change the name.  I think its VERY appropriate for the lyrics and the hopefulness of the song.  If I changed anything over time?  Maybe, but I’m very happy and proud of what I have.  
MusicWeek Staff: What are your music goals for this year, and how are you working towards achieving them?
Jimii No.1: 
My goals for this year are to put together sets that I can do anywhere.  I’m in rehearsal now and hope I can get booked at some gospel tests, make some appearances on televisions shows.  Perhaps have someone want to sing my songs on their new album.  I’m sending out cds and talking to as many people as I can to get the word out about what I’m doing.  I hired your firm hoping that you could be able to make some of these things, and more  happen, also.  
MusicWeek Staff: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
Jimii No.1: My sites are: 


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