Exclusive Interview with Ayr Majesty

MusicWeek Staff: What was the defining moment when you knew you were meant to create music?
Ayr Majesty: When I stopped going to my college classes to make music in my dorm I had decided I would devote myself fully to the art.
MusicWeek Staff: What are the essential qualities that make a good artist?
Ayr Majesty: Open mindedness looking for new ideas and daring to explore outside my comfort zone in order to find new ways to express myself.
MusicWeek Staff: What have been the greatest challenges of your career so far?
Ayr Majesty: Self doubt is corrosive and infects the beauty of art with chaos of opinions instead of enjoyment. I have to remind myself to enjoy the art of creativity even though often times I dread it so.
MusicWeek Staff: Describe your experience recording the song "She's A Samurai"?
Ayr Majesty: I didn’t understand what I wanted to do or sound like and I went into the studio with only a faint idea of how to sing in falsetto mimicking listening to Micheal Jackson before hand.
MusicWeek Staff: How did you describe your process of creating "She's A Samurai" compared to your other song?
Ayr Majesty: I had decided to make a song based on how I was feeling and even though it was a dark tribute It was the truest feeling I had.
MusicWeek Staff: What was the creative approach for this new video?
Ayr Majesty: Japanese art style was a key pivot in changing the visual engagement from any other video I’ve done. 
MusicWeek Staff: Do you take the context of the song in consideration when creating the video? Why/Why not?
Ayr Majesty: Yes I always want to make my songs each their own.
MusicWeek Staff: Does your music fit in to your local scene? If so, how do you take advantage of that? If not, do you see that as an obstacle and what do you do about it?
Ayr Majesty: I don’t care about wether my songs fit in anything any genre or club because I never really fit in any box either it only makes sense my music is outside the norm.
MusicWeek Staff: If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom t the next musical generation, what would it be?
Ayr Majesty: If you feel like you can’t do something that’s what you should do if you want to reach the peak of success. Conquer yourself.
MusicWeek Staff: Where can potential fans find out more about you?
Ayr Majesty: They can’t I am not a fan of social media and only release music from a undisclosed seclusive source .


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